Monday, October 3, 2011

Note Card Vertical Extension Attempts

·      Today we decided that we were slightly off task in our goals.  We were trying to build the strongest supports for our tower, but we did not focus on the stability past one level.  With this in mind James accidentally came across a new support design in the shape of a cylinder.  He was rolling a note card onto a pen when it was not going very straight.  When he rolled it from the other end the already curled other end wrapped around the outside. This effect was duplicated by unwinding and rewinding existing spiral supports switching the inside and outside.
·      We moved away from the structure of four cylinders stacked repeatedly with a notecard in between. And we decided that a six card support system is a lot more stable and does not compromise too many cards needed to stack the textbook as high as possible. The pics show a start to a successful support system. We are thinking in our next session we will try to go for gold and use one hundred notecards to construct the final product. And if it fails, it will just be another testing day!
The revolutionary cylindrical support!
 First multi-level testing
 Our tallest 4 support tower we tried
 Tallest structure we constructed that held the APES textbook.
Tallest structure we made.  It did not work before James had to leave.

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