Its been a busy week for Hunter and James but we have been working diligently on our note card tower. Last weekend Hunter went on a college visit to Colorado, so James decided to work on the final tower construction. During the three day weekend, he cracked open a new stack of 100 crisp 3 by 5's and went to work rolling them into cylinders. He quickly learned the most efficient way was to roll them around a bic pen, then inside out the resulting spiral. On Monday he began the process of note card settling. During tests at Logan's, Logan and Erario noticed an additive impact to the stability of the tower with the added levels of note cards. This was found to be the small imperfections in the cylindrical supports. James wanted to remove these imperfections from the picture. To do this he made the first levels days before the attempt for the tallest tower. He started by carefully setting up a 3 story tower with 6 supports per level and 2 horizontal, unfolded cards for surface area.
The next day, Tuesday, James continued to add to the tower, building it up to 5 levels, or 15 in.
The following morning, Wednesday, James went big and stacked 9 layers of note cards, a whopping 27 in.
That evening, Hunter went to James' house to finish up the project. First they added one more layer to sum up to 10 layers.
After this they were feeling good and decided to go for 11 layers. Unfortunately, our first two attempts were unsuccessful.
Hunter noticed that some of the supports were not directly above the supports under them so he went about fixing them with the assistance of James. After these cards were in a more structurally sound position, they proceeded to attempt 11 layers once more! The video speaks for itself!